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Allegion Website

Our Allegion website has the latest product information, resources, pricing lists and much more. Visit to find everything new with Allegion.

Allegion Learning Center

Allegion is pleased to offer a broad library of learning resources on our free-to-all online learning system, the Allegion Learning Center. Offering educational resources especially helpful to individuals new or relatively new to hardware, doors, access control, or the building codes associated with openings, the system can record one’s completion of the learning content.

How to access the Allegion Learning Center:

If you work for an employer who uses the Allegion 360 Portal, please log into the Portal, and look for the “Learning Center” widget.

Allegion 360 Portal

If your organization does not use the Allegion 360 Portal, you can self-register for a Learning Center account below. If you have already registered for an account, you can sign in here, too. 

Allegion Learning Center

Training Videos

To assist you, Allegion offers several training videos. Our Intro to Door Hardware series takes viewers through many of the fundamentals of the products used in this industry. Our How-to-Install videos, listed by brand, guides viewers through the installation of many of Allegion’s most popular products. For our customers who install, integrate, or use Schlage Electronic Locks, we offer a full complement of How-to videos to direct viewers in their set-up and programming.

Allegion Training Videos

In-Person Classes

Our national training team offers classes around the US on a wide range of hardware, door, and access control topics. Check out the class list or for more information, contact your local Allegion representative.

In-Person Class Schedule

AIA Continuing Education

As an AIA Continuing Education program provider, Allegion offers both in-person and virtual courses on a variety of topics to help meet your professional goals and continuing education needs.

Allegion AIA Resources

Social Media and Videos

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